Monday, April 16, 2012

Stage 6

Speed Limit Changes Aren't So Bad

By:  Lee Mitchell

     There were a couple of good points that were brought up when Mr. Mitchell wrote about the recent speed limit changes, although overall I disagree.  Maybe I am turning into my mother in my old age but I think that the negative would outweigh the positive because of the nature in which people drive.  I agree that traffic is ridiculous and it does take a terribly long time to get somewhere if you are driving during peak hours but this is something we all have to get used to if we continue to reside here.  
     I have covered the fact that I am turning into an old lady and for this reason the speed limit increase makes me a little nervous.  While driving at times that the roads are not very congested people drive with little regard to anyone else, like they own the road.  With this being said I don't think anyone really pays attention to the speed limit as long as they aren't going that much over, for example if the speed limit is 70 generally people will probably push it to 75-80, so with the increase it just means we will have drivers thinking that it is acceptable to push the limit.

     I do understand the point that when you are driving on a road that has nobody else on it and you have miles of visibility it should be acceptable to drive as fast as you want but again I disagree.  There are a lot of experienced drivers on the road but there are a large amount of very new drivers as well.  When your vehicle is moving at a very excessive rate your reaction time is terrible so if a deer or even an armadillo were to jump or crawl out in front of you and you are caring of all natures creatures, you will probably swerve, crash, and possibly die.     
     We live in Austin, traffic is very crazy and I agree with that but if we choose to live here we understand that traffic is going to have to be something we deal with.  If everyone could be trusted to do the speed limit and be cautious while driving I would be just fine with the increases, I am just not ready to have some irresponsible asshole crash into me because they have somewhere to be in a hurry, which is typically an appointment for a hair cut or something stupid.   

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stage 5

Texas: Future Home of the Dehydration

     One issue I am very concerned with is the lack of water we have and the rate in which it is dwindling.  The regulations that are set as far a watering restrictions help but they need to be more firm on what they call "commercial" watering.  When I think of something being commercial, things such as construction projects or things of that nature come to mind.  I recently found out that apartment complexes are under the commercial category.  These apartments are watering their property so the grass stays nice and green, why is that???  Who cares if their property looks great when we don't have enough water to drink?
     There are also problems with our agricultural system and water use.  Farming takes up a ton of water and I understand that it is necessary but again would any of that matter if we don't have water to drink??  I know that we shouldn't stop growing crops but maybe we should be a little choosier on which crops we grow.  To ensure the growth of successful rice it has to be flooded and needs a high amount of rainfall.  Why would we think that is the best thing to plant here in Texas?  Since someone does think it is so a lot of water goes to keeping those alive even though other fruits or vegetables can be grown instead that are not so demanding on the diminishing water supply.
     Farmers have also gotten so desperate to get their federal crop insurance they even admitted to watering crops they knew would not grow as was written in a recent article in the Texas Tribune.  I understand that times are tough for everyone but there has to be some kind of bail out system for farmers just like we do for huge businesses that don't really need it instead of forcing them to waste water.  One of these men said they spent $25000 to water 175 acres.   
     We don't have much time before we are in serious trouble so all I can say to do is to start doing a better job of conserving.  Tickets are handed out constantly for speeding or traffic offenses so maybe when people decide that their lawn should be the most plush on the block, they should get fined.  Once citations were given out more regularly some people would get the hint that it is serious and stop being so damn selfish.  There is a solution to every problem and this is a very big one that is in serious need of immediate attention so I hope that we can do a better job of regulating residential, commercial and agriculture water use.