A Few Words Regarding the Obama Contraception Compromise
A blog I recently gained interest in is one from Mean Rachel, who speaks out about the fresh topic of compromise about contraceptives. President Obama decided to do what he could to try and come to a fair agreement with the religious organizations concerning the coverage of birth control for the women who are employed there. The initial disagreement was over the fact that religious organizations did not want to be forced into paying for the contraception. The Catholic church and certain other religious groups firmly stand by their belief that women preventing child birth through any means is going against the plan of God, which is where the initial problem was. The conclusion was to have insurance companies offer the contraceptives instead of the organization itself.
Rachel Farris, the author of the blog thinks of this compromise as a huge accomplishment for women. There are still people fighting against the latest on this, saying that Obama is a cop out or that he caved. Farris disagrees stating that this cases' outcome helps women's freedom.
I feel like the author did a great job relaying her view. She was even asked to do a little interview with KVUE, regarding her thoughts. It seems like the audience she was trying to reach with this were people that were not sure about all the specifics to this matter and certainly women.
I have actually followed this since there were first talks of changing the policy. As a woman, I think it is fantastic that all women have the choice to get birth control no matter their religion or where they work. I understand people have certain strict rules regarding their religion but I would rather people get on a contraceptive so we are not overpopulated by ancient thinking or beliefs. Children should be planned to ensure the best possible future, for our sake and theirs.